Saturday, March 9, 2019

Multi-Dimensional Thinking

Encapsulating the Theory and Application of Managerial Communications, In my opinion,  is the ability to have a growth mindset. In order to have a growth mindset, you are continuously challenged to apply the characteristics of a good communicator, while focusing on improving your management/leadership skills. A manager with he growth mindset, has the ability to think multi-dimensionally, because they can find the positive in every scenario, as well as always finding room for improvement. Like Lowe's, a manager with the growth mindset, "Never Stops Improving".

What are these two mindsets?

Image result for growth versus fixed mindset

According to Carol Dweck, the founder of this theory:

The growth mindset is "founded on the belief that your basic qualities are cultivable and flexible things that can grow with dedication, time, and a commitment to getting better, smarter, and more talented" (Dweck, 2006).

On the contrary the fixed mindset, "assumes that our character, intelligence, and creative ability are static givens which we can’t change in any meaningful way, and success is the affirmation of that inherent intelligence, an assessment of how those givens measure up against an equally fixed standard; striving for success and avoiding failure at all costs become a way of maintaining the sense of being smart or skilled" (Dweck, 2006).

Why is the Growth Mindset Better?

Those who are focused on improving, worry less about looking smart because they are putting their energy into learning. According to Carol Dweck in a Harvard Business Review article that she authored, "When companies embrace a growth mindset, their employees report feeling far more empowered and committed; they also receive far greater organizational support for collaboration and innovation" (Dweck, 2016)

In opposition, "people at primarily fixed-mindset companies report more of only one thing: cheating and deception among employees, presumably to gain an advantage in the talent race" (Dweck, 2016)

By just adopting a growth mindset, better things will happen. According to Dweck, "Organizations that embody a growth mindset encourage appropriate risk-taking, sowing that some risks won't work out" (Dweck, 2016) This is important because turning knowledge into action in a quicker cycle, requires risk taking, and trial and error is important for a company to grow.

Aiding in building an innovative culture, a company with a growth mindset rewards employees for important and useful lessons learned, even if things didn't work out. This fosters creativity, and employees won't walk around on eggshells, afraid of getting in trouble.

 The growth mindset supports collaboration across organizational boundaries rather than competition among employees or units. Again, reinforcing the goals of successful managerial communication.

According to Dweck, managers with a growth mindset, are committed to the growth of every member, not just in words but in deeds, such as broadly available development and advancement opportunities, and they continually reinforce growth mindset values with concrete policies" Dweck, 2016). 

In the Marine Corps, a positive mental attitude went a long way. A positive mental attitude was not only rewarded, but it improved your shooting. By blocking out negative thoughts, and focusing on positive ones, your shots would magically become more accurate. Same should apply to management, focus on the positive aspects of every scenario.

Dweck, C. (2006). Retrieved from

Dweck, C. (2016). What Having a “Growth Mindset” Actually Means. Retrieved from

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Everyone an Innovator

One of the things that the United States Marine Corps is best known for, is creating professional rifleman. As a whole, the Marine Corps carries out the most effective riffle training, creating some of the most effective shooters. The biggest reason that Marines are so good with their riffle, is not only because they shoot accurately. It is because they are safe. Why are Marines so safe? It is because the Marine Corps has adopted the principle that everyone is a safety officer and can stop any exercise when they notice a potentially unsafe condition, without any fear of punishment or embarrassment. If that Marine saw something in error, no harm no foul. It is better to stop something potentially dangerous, just in case, rather than let something bad happen because you were to afraid to speak up.

Image result for marine rifle

Similar to the Marine Corps Riffle Range philosophy of "Every Marine a Safety Officer", Leadbeater discusses how users are the driving force in many innovations.  Businesses are all about sales, and sales are all about the consumer. By having a product that consumers want, sales will be made. In Leadbeater's (2005) Ted Talk, he explains how many things that are being sold successfully were created by the consumer, or user.

Instead of everyone collaborating and coming together for increased safety, Leadbeater explains many success stories where users collaborated to create innovative new products.

Leadbeater states that "Payoffs for innovations is the greatest where uncertainty is the highest" (2005). In his examples, is is described how something is invented, the inventor doesn't necessarily know what the invention can be used for... consumers get their hands on it, and it becomes very successful. For example, text messaging and mobile telephones. These technologies were invented and it was because of consumers using these products in unique ways. This also explains how phone  evolved into what they are now.

The more the uncertainty, the more innovation and use is needed. For this reason it is important for inventors and users to collaborate. Most creativity is cumulative and collaborative, and develops over a period of time. Leadbeater explains that "Big corporations have an in-built tendency of an reinforce past success", and find it difficult to find expanding new markets. (Leadbeater, 2005).
Image result for creative collaboration
With this Ted Talk in mind, it is important to give everyone a voice and not have dedicated special people in charge of all innovation. It is important to provide a platform that allows not only employees, but also consumers to collaborate together with new ideas and solutions to problems. By adopting a philosophy of "everyone an innovator" you have greatly multiplied your productive resources, much like having everyone on a Marine Corp Rifle range looking out for safety.

In my Workplace, we pilots should collaborate more with customers in order to get new ideas. By offering a suggestion box, or having open meetings encouraging "off the wall ideas" can take the company in new directions.

Relating to an article referencing workplace health management, to relation to innovative climates, it is stated that "Innovative climates are vital for a company's economic success" and that "executives should focus more on improving the social processes in their organizations by having a positive influent on internal communication and social capital" (Kohler et al, 2010) Therefore not only does boosting creativity amongst  an organization help drive future sales and create potentially high grossing products, it also creates a better work place environment and more satisfied employees. By empowering employees to be creative and have the ability to collaborate with consumers, great things will happen.

Köhler, T., Janßen, C., Plath, S., Reese, J., Lay, J., & Steinhausen, S. et al. (2010). Communication, social capital and workplace health management as determinants of the innovative climate in German banks. International Journal Of Public Health55(6), 561-570. doi: 10.1007/s00038-010-0195-7

Leadbeater, C. (2005). The era of open innovation. Retrieved from